Let the machine that you use to clean your clothes be always ready to clean more. If something is troubling with your washing machine do reach out to us. If it's a washing machine repair in Kochi you know whom to call ..!!
Washing machines have become an important part of our daily lives. It has made easy, the task of washing clothes. There are many brands that produce washing machines. We deal with all of the brands and all types of washing machines. Be it automatic, semi automatic , front load or even top load.
A washing machine have an average life of 10years. So if it's well maintained and repaired at the correct time this can be achieved. Timely repairs also helps you in reducing the maintenance cost.
Some of the common defects that may arise for your washing machines may be :
-Increase in the noise and shake while working
-Incorrectly spinning or filling of water.
-Washing machines requires the proper care it deserves.
- Clothes are not cleaned and dried properly
    If you detect any of these or any other defect in the normal working of your washing machine, then you need repair for it.
We are the best washing machine repair and service in Kochi. We have a specialised team of experts who can solve your LG & ifb and all washing machine problems within days.
For the smooth functioning of your washing machines, we give the best repairing service in Kochi. Be it front load or top load... automatic or semi automatic, we repair all.
We repair washing machines of all leading brands in India. For us customer satisfaction is the top goal and we use only the genuine parts in here.